Patriotism, Unity, Democracy and More


This 4th of July was a bit sad for me. Having spent time with a number of youthful folks in the last few months, I realized that “patriotism”, “love of country” and other feelings most of us consider sacred have lessoned with newer and younger generations. Due to the ugliness of our leadership and consistent […]

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My Heart Hurts…………


Orlando. The mere mention of the word makes families smile and children (even teens) leap with excitement. The word is synonymous with Mickey Mouse and Harry Potter and family adventure. For Orlando is the town that Disney built….. My family went last summer and we had a wonderful time. We hit 6 theme parks in […]

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The Accident

2016 started off with a bang. We ate lots of Black-eyed peas and cabbage to kick-off the year. Things were flying in January. I was working hard, eating healthier, and working new business. Lily was participating in debate and doing well at school in the second half of her Freshman year in high school. Then, […]

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In Memory of My Dad


My sweet Dad gave up his valiant fight for life on Monday, January 19. Of course, an official obituary will run in the paper on Sunday but it is just so stiff. It’s hard to capture a life in the stiff, formal manner of obituaries so I thought I would share some thoughts on here. […]

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Farewell Mayor Bob


Many people have had so much to say about former Houston Mayor Bob Lanier. Much has been shared that has been touching and kind. I just feel the need to share my own perspective. I first met Bob Lanier in the “smoke-filled” rooms when I worked for powerful leaders of Texas. I was often the […]

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Punching Out Domestic Violence


Amidst news of international tensions across the globe, Americans have been focused on a football player and an intimate look at his private relationship with his wife. The release of a video of Rice striking his then-fiance in an elevator has garnered wide-spread attention and debate. Should a very talented football player be punished for […]

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Thanks Joan Rivers!


There will be many comments and tributes to Joan Rivers over the next week or so and I personally hope she gets the funeral she designed for herself – a big Hollywood send-off to the great beyond. However, as you know, this blogger often focuses on women’s issues and for that, we must pause to […]

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September 11


2001 was an amazing year for me personally.  My son was born, we moved into a new home around Labor Day and then the world changed. As we all know,  September 11, our nation was attacked.   I will never forget the moment.  I was holding my 6 month old in my arms before I […]

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