The Movies

My son and I love going to the movies. After a long week, there is nothing better than going to the latest opening movie and escaping into pure fantasy land. We laugh, we cry, we stay cool, embraced by the darkness and the sound of the amazing scenes on screen. We usually attend the movies […]

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The Fading Astrodome

As most of you know, I’m a lifelong Houstonian. My family moved here from the Valley of Texas when I was a mere 3 years old. I’ve been blessed to live and travel elsewhere and always come back to the City I love. One of the treasures of “My Houston”, is the Astrodome. I remember […]

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Eleven years ago today, I embarked upon the greatest adventure of my life – Parenthood! That’s right, it’s the kid’s birthday today. That one moment in time turned my life completely upside down. I thought getting married at 40 was a big transition but it was nothing compared to becoming a Mother. What a roller […]

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It is that time of year when we pause to give thanks for the blessings in our lives. We also give thanks for the early settlers and their peace with Native Americans, those that were already on the land. It’s an interesting reminder that we are actually celebrating peace between invaders and natives. It seems […]

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Thank You Veterans!

Do you realize that our nation is at war? You probably do, somewhere in your mind. You know that American soldiers are shipped out everyday to places with names you can barely pronounce but you may not consider that they are fighting for your freedom. This post is not a debate about whether the battles […]

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Sam Houston Man

We recently received a new magazine at our home. This publication featured Matt Schaub on the cover and indicated an interview was inside. Intrigued, we opened it and flipped through the magazine. Personally, I’m embarrassed I took this action. I quickly realized that this was a “men’s interest” magazine. What gave it away? The article […]

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Happy Birthday Houston

Houston is turning 175 years old! It’s a truly amazing city given humble beginnings and a bit of false bravado. The Houston Chronicle Sunday edition had a great special section on the city’s history and the story of the founding Allen Brothers. The Allen Brothers truly represent the type of attitude that has driven this […]

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