One of America’s primary goals in the world is to spread our form of democracy. We are the model of how democracies should operate to many countries.
One of the most base levels of a model democracy is holding elections. The U.S. form of democracy is driven by “representative government”, i.e. a government chosen by its citizens. Elections are the process we use to choose these leaders.
It is common for international guests to observe elections, across the world. We send people to points near and far to observe elections in other countries. Many countries wish to observe American elections. For how will they ever be a stronger democracy if they do not understand the basics of our selection process?
This practice has been going on for many years in American elections. But this year, Texas – the “friendly” state, has decided to make an issue of international observers. I have to say that I am honestly embarrassed by our behavior.
Our Attorney General and a number of County Clerks (administrators of elections) have chosen to create a political issue over these international observers. Why? One of the programs that facilitates international election exchanges is affiliated with the United Nations. A certain wing of the Republican Party and Tea Party activists have decided that the United Nations is not a friend to America.
The simple task of sharing the tools to create and operate a democracy is bordering on becoming an international incident in Texas.
Meanwhile, the Texas Secretary of State has engaged in damage control and tried to provide legitimate explanations. She is our liaison with foreign governments as well as the chief administrator of elections in Texas.
This blogger is beginning to wonder if we have something to hide that is causing us to create such a stir over a longstanding tradition.
But hey, remember that the sovereign state of Texas is the friendliest American state!