With their terms limited, three Houston City Council Members will sit through their last Council meeting today and leave office as of December 31. Two additional Council Members were defeated at the polls in December run-offs. Today, we say farewell to these 5 departing public servants.
Term-Limited – This class of Term-Limited Council Members served two terms with Mayor Bill White and one term with Mayor Annise Parker. They have adapted to vastly different styles of leadership.
Council Member Sue Lovell in At-Large Position 2 will be leaving due to Term Limits. She has served the maximum three, two-year terms. Council Member Lovell has been a hands-on participant in the legislative process. She has led task forces, committees and been the leader on passage of major Ordinances. One of her favored projects was passage of the Historical Preservation Ordinance. While it has been enmeshed in controversy, Lovell stayed focused to get it passed, working with the Administration. She has been loyal to both White and Parker and has served as a negotiator. More importantly, in my experience, she has been responsive to all points of view and tries to work with people to solve problems. Thank you for your public service to our city.
Council Member Jarvis Johnson in District B served his full term in office. He has been dedicated to working hard for his constituents and to being a good soldier at City Hall. He has often spoken up for the under served and for the city’s children. He has worked to improve District B, long-neglected by the City, and has garnered additional projects for the neighborhoods. He has also been a fair and responsive listener to those with interests at City Hall. Thank you for your service.
Council Member Anne Clutterbuck in District C has served her full term on Council. Seasoned with a history of public service, Council Member Clutterbuck arrived at City Hall ready to go to work and solve problems. She has had one of the best run offices at City Hall with quality staff, a hard-working team and dedication to serving the constituents in her communities. She has chaired committees and worked hard, virtually full-time, at City Hall. Council Member Clutterbuck chaired the Fiscal Affairs Committee at one time and guided the City through one of the toughest budgets with a smooth process. She has challenged Administrations when she thought it appropriate and stood strong with them at other times. She always has an open ear and time to listen. Thank you for your service to Houston.
Additional Retirements
Council Member Jolanda Jones in At-Large 5 was defeated in the December Run-off election, after serving two terms. There is so much to say about Council Member Jones but not enough space to say it. Always quick to express her opinion, Jones has positioned herself as the leader of the underdog. While frequently criticized for her verbosity, she does speak to those who come to Public Session seeking answers and makes them feel as though someone cares. She will politely ask them questions and follows-up with the Departments to make sure that someone is helping them. While many joke that Council meetings will be much shorter with her departure, there has never been a question about where she stands on issues at the table. Jones has also used the “tag”, a tool to delay debate on issues, more than any Council Member in recent history. She usually has legitimate questions. Again, while many criticize, she is one of the few Council Members that actually read and studied the agenda much of the time and would catch things that needed further explanation or correction. She has been one of the most controversial Council Members since term-limits were adopted. Jones has endured several ethics investigations and come out on top each time and she has publicly tangled with the Police and Fire Departments and their Unions. The departure of her “bigger than life” personality at City Hall will seriously change the nature of Council meetings. Thanks for your public service.
Council Member Brenda Stardig in District A was defeated in the December Run-off election after just one term in office. She is the first Council Member since term-limits were adopted to suffer this fate, to my knowledge. Stardig seemed to be a dedicated Council Member who worked for her constituents but they did not “feel the love” from her. The Spring Branch native represented a conservative district and was considered too close to the Administration which contributed to her defeat. She has always had an open door, strived to serve as a bridge for those who had controversies and differences with the Administration, and helped to negotiate complex issues. Thank you for your service.
A Note: 4 out of 5 of the departing Council Members are female. The new Council will reduce from 6 females currently serving among 14 to 4 females serving amongst 16.