Sadly, the United States has had a very tough week of foreign affairs. The loss of an Ambassador like Chris Stevens and the people who were with him, is difficult to process.
Ambassador Stevens was representing our country in an unstable environment. Libya struggled to release themselves from a long-term dictator and the country is now engaged in nation-building, developing a new governance system. He was there to help and was lost due to circumstances far beyond anyone’s control.
Now, due to our belief in free speech, a You Tube video has created an international incident. All of our diplomats, working with many emerging governments in newly empowered countries, are unstable.
Is this a time for “he said, he said”? No, it is not. This is a time we look to our leaders to protect those in service to our country across the globe and to show unity and strength to those watching us closely.
I’m sure I’ll step on some toes here but I’ll say it anyway. After 9/11, we came together as a country, a people, like we have not done since television became a player in politics. No one stood up after the tragic event and claimed “President Bush asked for it”. We mourned, in unity, as a nation and much of the world mourned with us.
In spite of our tendencies to be either red or blue, we are all Americans and we must remember that, now more than ever. And whether or not we like our current leadership, we must stand behind their decisions as they strive to protect our country men and women across the globe.
There is plenty of time for debate and discussion. In fact, the candidates can hash it on OCTOBER 3 when they meet face to face to discuss issues in their first face-to-face debate.