The Budget Texans Want

The State House passed their version of the State budget late Sunday night.

According to the Republican majority, it is the budget that Texans want and sent them to Austin to support. Governor Perry is lauding the budget as passed.

Of course, this is all a bunch of rhetoric. Everyone, including the Republican leadership, believes that the Texas Senate will pass a more reasonable version of the budget.

It doesn’t take much to be “reasonable” from the one that passed the House. In fact, the Senators will look like heroes if they even restore some of the cuts the House passed.

All along, the House members have been telling us that this is what their voters wanted.

It will be interesting to see if that is the case. Even conservatives have elderly family members in nursing homes and many teachers have voted Republican. Any number of teachers in public schools count themselves in the “conservative” category.

Will that still be true when they are laid off from their job and simultaneously, their elderly mother’s nursing home is closed? It might well work out for them as they can then move Mom home and be available to provide care to her 24/7.

Voters have for years now insisted upon a “no new taxes” message from their candidates and elected officials. “Live within your means” is a common message we send to those in public office.

O.K. The Texas House is doing just that. Let’s see how it works out for everyone.

One response

  1. Will that still be true when they are laid off from their job and simultaneously, their elderly mother’s nursing home is closed? It might well work out for them as they can then move Mom home and be available to provide care to her 24/7.

    Ouch! Social services, tea party style.

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