The Democratic National Convention has concluded making their case to the American people this week. Not sure if there was a dry eye in the place or across much of America. It was an emotional affair.
From the keynote address by Texas’ own San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro to Michelle Obama’s teary eyes and President Clinton’s gentle chiding, words designed to touch the heart emanated from the speakers.
While there were Hollywood stars, athletes and other famous people in attendance, they did not dominate the prime time stage. The stars were Veterans, Military families and the speakers themselves.
Attendees at the Democratic National Convention seemed far more interesting. Not only was the diversity of people much more present but their emotional responses to the speakers seemed more engaging.
President Obama capped off the week with his heart felt appeal to the American public. His speech was an odd combination of President-speak, candidate speak and as my son said, “preaching”. The combined effect tugged on the heartstrings a bit while reminding people of his accomplishments.
Both parties are to be complimented for their “soft” negative approach. They recognized their opposition as “good people but just a little misguided”. If only their campaigns would continue to behave in the same manner.
We now officially enter the season of hate. Facebook wars are already fully under way and defriending is happening at maximum levels as “friends” destroy their relationship over different political opinions. The ad wars will deteriorate rapidly over the next few weeks.
We can only hope that the upcoming debates, the first on October 3, will allow a return to a solid exchange of respectable discourse.
Hold on folks as the race is now in full gear.
Remember, you live in a democracy. You are free to express your opinion. But your ultimately responsibility is to identify with the candidate you like best and cast your ballot! If you don’t vote, we do not live in a democracy!