The Yell Leader Cheers On

Just when you thought it was over, another “rah” rouses out of the beleaguered Yell Leader. Yes, it’s true. Governor Perry has decided to continue his Presidential bid through the South Carolina primary. He believes his cheers are heard better there and people respond to him.

He will take his Texas-funded security and continue to work hard on the campaign trail. Alas, there were still funds in the cheer budget so we couldn’t expect him to give up just yet.

Presidential Primaries are unique animals, though, and just about anything can still happen. Mike Huckabee won the Iowa caucuses in 2008 and people were discounting John McCain’s potential success. Yet, as we all know, McCain went on to secure the nomination.

As noted in the last post, the Iowa caucuses were less clear in their selection this year. Seriously, the Yell Leader finished 5th so why shouldn’t he stay and fight until a southern state has their say?

Counting on that southern spirit to follow his lead and chants is probably fairly smart on his part. If he does well anywhere in the early primaries, it will likely be in South Carolina. You might recall that he kicked-off his campaign and rousing cheers in that cherished early primary state.

So, the Yell Leader will cheer on for another few weeks. If people start replying to his chants, there may still be life in his campaign yet. Rah!

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