Muddy Waters

The Republicans in Iowa have spoken and their decision was about as clear as muddy water. By now, you have surely heard that Mitt Romney and flavor of this week, Rick Santorum, essentially tied for votes. Ron Paul came in a respectable third place. Santorum managed to time his turn as flavor of the week into a victory. He will now become a major focus of all the campaigns.

What can we conclude from this first test among Republican activists? Basically, not much. Romney is still the front runner and there is a new star to watch for the next couple of weeks. The social conservatives are still seeking an alternative to Romney but remain fickle in their selection process. Maybe Santorum’s victory will give them something to rally around.

Meanwhile, Texas’ own “Yell Leader” will be coming home to “assess” his campaign. National Republicans seemed to savor a taste of his flavor and then decide that the milk was sour. They are sending him back home. Like his beloved Aggies, this just wasn’t his season. We Texans can rejoice that we will likely have him back all to ourselves soon.

Speaking of muddy waters, Houston Mayor Annise Parker gave her Inaugural Address yesterday as she, the Controller and 16 Council Members were sworn into office. In her address, she talked about Houston growing out of a mosquito-infested, muddy stream and becoming one of the great cities in the world. She reminded us that we have always had a good “can do” attitude and that “we dream great dreams but then make them happen.” Her speech was moving and well-presented but provided little insight as to her plans for the next term. She did focus on her successes and was quite humble in accepting responsibility for controversial issues. Overall, it was a nice speech but brief and light.

At the national level, we still face muddy waters on the Republican nominee. At the local level, we are reminded that great possibilities can emerge from muddy waters.

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