State and local politics are dominating the week. The Legislature convenes, the Houston City Council debates ethics, the new Commissioners Court convened and Tom Delay was sentenced to 3 years in prison.
What more could a political junkie want? It’s just so overwhelming, I can’t decide which topic to focus on or write about.
Thus, we’ll do a quick roundup.
The Texas Legislature convened yesterday and resoundingly re-elected Rep. Joe Strauss as Speaker. The Tea Party activists and Republican conservatives learned their first of many valuable lessons that will come this Session. Meanwhile, the Governor (the Yell Leader) cheerfully laid out his thoughts for the Session and glossed over budget issues. He reminded all that Texas doesn’t have a deficit because we have to live within our means. Meanwhile, $830 million in federal education money is still pending while he argues with the feds over details. All in all, it was an interesting day with no surprises.
Today, the Houston City Council will be discussing ethics reform. They are trying to tighten their Ethics Code and require more disclosure from lobbyists. Admittedly, I’m a registered lobbyist at City Hall. I file my paperwork and list each client individually. Lawyers have been able to avoid registration by indicating that they were consulting with their clients from a legal position. The amendments to the Ordinance will tighten disclosure requirements. As well, city employees will have a revolving door policy and there are other changes as well. Tune it in on the Municipal Channel. Note that city fundraising opens on February 1 so they hope to implement the new changes prior to that date.
The new Commissioners Court convened for its first meeting of the year on Tuesday. The only difference being that there is no woman and no Hispanic member of the Court. Commissioner Jerry Eversole is under indictment and reminded reporters that “I’m not guilty and I intend to seek re-election.” Meanwhile, he cancelled his annual fundraiser. The Commissioners and Sheriff Garcia continued to feud over the need for additional staffing for public safety. Not much new on this front.
Meanwhile, many people were gleeful and rejoicing while others were deeply saddened by the outcomes around former Member of Congress Tom Delay. I refuse to feel anything as I know there will be a long appeals process and if he ever goes to jail, it will be many years from now.
The fun continues today as the State Senate will consider whether to continue the long tradition of their 2/3 rule and City Council meets.
Pay attention and have fun!