Dearest Children:
We truly do have your best interests at heart. We know you are the future of Texas and we want the very best for you.
Part of growing up is learning how to survive in tough times. Many of your families have faced economic challenges over the last few years. We know that you have sacrificed as a result of this.
Because your families faced challenges, your government is facing challenges too. We don’t have enough money to meet all the demand for services that we must provide.
Our number one concern is to maintain safety. We have to ensure that you are safe! Sometimes, a care giver or family member might lose their temper and harm you. We must make sure you have an opportunity to leave that situation. Unfortunately, budget cuts have caused us to be slower in responding to these needs but know that we are passionate about our care for you. It just may take us awhile to resolve the problem.
We are also committed to ensuring that you have access to education. We don’t have quite enough money to keep our guarantee but we are doing our best. Some of your teachers won’t return next year and you will probably have more playmates in your classes. Just think of all the new friends you will make when two classes merge together!
By the way, we know you love swimming pools and recreation too! Summer is such fun. Alas, we have had to trim the swimming pool budgets in most cities and cut back on those summer programs. Have you ever played in a sprinkler or danced in the rain? It can be great fun. Since we aren’t able to provide as many summer programs for you, maybe one of your parents or care givers can stay home with you more and teach you the simple joys of summer.
While it is not all good news for your next couple of years, we promise it will get better. You will be stronger for this difficult time you endured.
Just remember that your government really does care about you and your future!
Your Elected Leadership – State, Local and Federal