Supremes Ponder Health Care

The Supreme Court is listening to oral arguments regarding the new health care law and the public is weighing in with vast opinions. Pontificators are reading innuendo into every question asked by a Justice and projecting their interpretations through megaphones.

Oh yes, one must love the American political system. If you do not like the action of the legislative body, appeal it to the Courts. Some of our most significant laws in this country have been established via Court rulings.

The new health care law is clearly a monumental change to existing systems and laws. The Supreme Court is being asked to consider the legality of those changes and to determine if aspects of the law are constitutional.

Meanwhile, the lovers and the haters are outside the building protesting. Say what you may but this is democracy in action. Protesters, lawyers, pundits and the Supreme Court. It truly does not get much better than this in terms of action within the unique American system of governance.

But, what will be the outcome? This ponderer has no idea how to predict the actions of the Supreme Court Justices and nor do I fully understand the bulk of the proposed changes to the health care law. All I know is that my health care payments through my employer are equal to a car note today and will likely be equal to a mortgage soon, if something doesn’t change. I’m blessed that I can afford it now but have no certainty that I will be able to in the future.

Is the new law going to solve that problem for me? I don’t know. I did find this video produced by the Kaiser Foundation and narrated by Cokie Roberts to be helpful. Maybe the Supreme Court Justices should view it too.

I personally expect the outcome to be a convoluted mix of rulings that will change some elements but not void the entire legislation. Stay tuned.

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