If you are a reader of this blog or a friend, student, co-worker, colleague of mine, you know that I rarely publicly endorse a candidate for political office. In fact, I have never done so since I began blogging in 2009.
However, this year, there is a race so imperative that I cannot go without stating my opinion.
In the race for District Attorney of Harris County, the Democrats allowed man to be nominated that goes against everything we need in that office. Lloyd Oliver is one of the most unqualified candidates I have seen nominated in years. His record as an attorney, criminal background and more give pause. In fact, the Democrats were so ashamed of him, that they sued to try to remove him from the ballot.
However, it is a few statements that he has made that have sent me over the edge. Did you know that October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month? Apparently, Mr. Oliver does not know that. He has repeatedly stated that he does not think the DA’s office should spend time prosecuting domestic violence cases. He even went so far as to suggest that women should take “boxing lessons.” He has said, and I paraphrase, that “the couples should just work it out.” The man clearly has no concept of domestic violence. None.
Domestic Violence is a very serious issue. Approximately 1 in 4 women have or will experience domestic violence in their lifetime. Everyday in the U.S., 3 women lose their lives through acts of domestic violence. It is an overwhelming problem in the U.S., in Texas and in Houston. The thought that a women might break free from her abuser and not gain the support of our legal system is unconscionable. The District Attorney’s office is one of the first places a victim goes to seek support – a restraining order, filing charges and more.
We must have a District Attorney who is committed to enforcing existing laws. We must have a District Attorney who will operate with integrity, regardless of political positions.
A District Attorney is one of the most important positions in our local government. It is critical that we elect Mike Anderson as the District Attorney for Houston.
Normally, I would trust that the system will correct itself and there is no way that Mr. Oliver could win this race. And yet, most did not expect him to win his primary either.
If you are a straight Democratic ticket voter, you can still crossover in this one race. It will just change your vote on that race only.
Please, Harris County, exercise some common sense and elect Mike Anderson as the District Attorney.
Note: This blogger does not have any professional affiliation with Mike Anderson and I have only met him once or twice in passing.
You go, Girl!! Clearly, Mr. Oliver is not in touch with this issue or its impact on our city.
When i read your posting on Facebook about this blog posting. I knew before reading it in which race race you were endorsing a candidate. I could not agree more with you and am happy that you broke your tradition.