Anticipation for the Nation

It is the day before one of the most powerful nations in the world chooses its leader. A nation is engaged in the deepest level of the great experiment of democracy and the world is watching.

Voter turnout is expected to be high, by American standards. It looks like as much as 50+ percent of the eligible population will cast a ballot. Some in the world are asking, why so few? But for Americans, 50% will be a good turnout.

Once every four years, we come together to choose the one person who will lead our country. This particular election is the one event in democracy that unifies us as a nation. Other than this election, all other leaders in our democracy are chosen by populations within the states.

And, let’s don’t forget that the states are busy choosing leaders for the democracy. U.S. Senate and Congressional races are happening across the country. Many states are picking Governors and other state leaders while local elections are choosing regional leadership.

In Texas, we believe in electing most offices so we have a long ballot. Be sure that you vote all the way through to the end.

Take a deep breath and hope that within the next 48 hours, it will be all over except for the post-analysis.

Speaking of analysis, this blogger will be joining anchors at News 92.1 FM radio tomorrow tonight to provide election updates and analyze the behavior of voters. We plan to focus on races throughout the ballot – from the Presidential results to the school bond election. Please tune in to listen!

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