Uh Oh – I encounter Voter ID

voter id

While the voter ID debate has been raging for the last several years, I have said little about it. Personally, I don’t think we even need voter registration but should instead throw open the polls and allow the people to vote. But, the voter ID debate has been a shoulder shrug for the most part. […]

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Representative Democracy


The definition of “democracy” is simple: “a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.” The whole population is the key phrase here. In America, we have the right to vote. We select our representatives. I’m astounded at how many people refer to “them” […]

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2014 Count Down – $$$$


We are in the final countdown to the voters of Texas selecting new statewide leaders. The Texas Secretary of State has a nice countdown calendar. Click here to view. From the beginning of the cycle, it has seemed as though most pundits, business leaders and even many voters consider the outcome of the election a […]

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Abbott versus Davis: A Real Campaign


It is so refreshing to watch the Abbott and Davis campaigns. Greg Abbott is campaigning vigorously and rising to the challenge of engaging in democracy. For the last several years, Republicans have taken it down a notch for the general election as Democrats have just not been relevant in the State of Texas statewide campaigns. […]

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What is a Party Platform?

2014 Texas Political Battle

Since the recent Republican revival meeting, I mean Party convention, there has been much hue and cry about the platform. The platform included language that appears to be out of step with societal norms, even among conservatives. The most obvious of these was a statement calling for the “reparative therapy for gays” which means that […]

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