
Lots of discussion centers around how to make the Houston “region” better and more cohesive. Any one unit of the region standing alone is not as strong as the cumulative area. We do have some government operations that function regionally. The Port of Houston and Metro are two examples. The City appoints the majority of […]

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Ethics Talk

Local governments always deal with ethics. The base nature of these entities creates consistent opportunity for “grey areas” among their employees and for Elected Officials. Whether it is HISD, Harris County, City of Houston or any of our regional governments, the opportunities abound for corruption. This has been clearly demonstrated over the last few years […]

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Welcome to 2012!

2012 will be a big year in politics. Presidential election years always stand apart as the most exciting time frame in American politics. The President of the United States is the one office that unites, or divides, the entire country. From New York to California, all Americans will have the opportunity to choose who leads […]

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A Rare Appointment and County 101

County government is one of those entities that few people understand and even fewer people notice. If one mentions the “County Judge”, it usually requires an explanation that “no, he’s not a Judge but the County Executive.” Every county in the State of Texas has one County Judge and four County Commissioners. It doesn’t matter […]

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Jerry and Jolanda

The Monday Ponderings discussed scandals and investigations that are sweeping throughout Houston. That very day, Commissioner Jerry Eversole submitted his resignation as County Commissioner for Precinct 4. A long-time FBI investigation and a pending trial likely contributed to his departure. The timing of the resignation allows County Judge Ed Emmett to appoint his successor. Political […]

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