The Monday Ponderings discussed scandals and investigations that are sweeping throughout Houston.
That very day, Commissioner Jerry Eversole submitted his resignation as County Commissioner for Precinct 4. A long-time FBI investigation and a pending trial likely contributed to his departure.
The timing of the resignation allows County Judge Ed Emmett to appoint his successor. Political tongues are wagging over the potential choices.
My request to Judge Emmett is simple: Please appoint someone who is comfortable with power and doesn’t allow it to change their personality and their personal sense of right and wrong. Appoint someone who cares passionately about constituents and their needs, such as infrastructure in an ever-expanding area and more park space for their families. Consider an appointee that likes people and will treat their employees with respect. For this next “Mayor” of about 1,000,000 people has a herculean job to perform.
Meanwhile, the District Attorney decided that there was not enough evidence or violations on Council Member Jolanda Jones to merit criminal charges. The investigation stems from her alleged misuse of city funds and staff to promote her private business.
The DA’s decision does not actually clear Council Member Jones as she still faces charges for a violation of the City’s Code of Ethics. A three-person panel was convened earlier in the year to make a determination on the charges based on a complaint filed by Council Member Mike Sullivan.
The panel includes Mayor Annise Parker, Council Member Bradford and Council Member Lovell. The Mayor has indicated that she would prefer to wait until after the election before the panel issues a final decision. In her mind, this brings less politics into the process.
Council Member Jones and her team have suggested that the panel make their final decision so the cloud of allegations may be cleared. She faces three opponents on the November ballot. The Mayor and Council Member Bradford also face opponents this fall.
Both have a fair point of view. If the panel determines that the Council Member did violate the Code of Ethics, they have bolstered her opposition. If they do clear her, voters may take out their disappointment on them.
The challenge is that Council Member Jones is one of those individuals that evoke passion from people. Most folks either really like her or they passionately dislike her.
In any case, the City should do what is right.
Meanwhile, may the rest of our Elected Officials please try to stay out of trouble……….