
Beware. Brace yourselves. The East Coast is facing a confluence of weather patterns that will wreak havoc on America’s business and media centers and possibly, the Presidential election. The East Coast is home base for the U.S. Stock Markets and hosts many of the network media outlets. For this reason, we will hear more about […]

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Debates Are Done!

The American public had their last chance to view the Presidential candidates in one-on-one issue discussions last night. It was a healthy debate between Romney and Obama. Foreign policy is especially difficult to debate as the candidates know the whole world is watching every word uttered. Social media was abuzz that Romney was mostly agreeing […]

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The Home Stretch

We are entering the final days of the 2012 campaign season. Tonight is the final debate between the Presidential candidates. Early voting has begun in many states and begins today in Texas. Debates – If you are still possibly on the fence with this election, tonight is your last chance to watch the Presidential candidates […]

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Rhetoric Wins!

Well, President Obama showed up for this debate. He decided to get in there and mix it up with Romney. Romney wasn’t too crazy about the idea, either. He clearly fared better when his opponent was disengaged. Last night’s debate format favored President Obama as he always performs better when engaging with an audience or […]

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Now, That Was A Debate……….

Challenging, engaging, attacking, exchanging and sticking to the pre-defined scripts! Now that was a debate. Biden and Ryan gave the audience the raw meat they wanted. Many Obama/Biden supporters were holding their breath, fearful that Biden would make one of his famous gaffes but he did his job. Many Romney/Ryan supporters were just a little […]

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Deconstructing the Debate

The first Presidential debate of the season is complete and the deconstruction, babble, spin and analysis is in full swing. It is fairly clear, even to Obama supporters, that Mitt Romney won the debate. He was just a junkyard dog, aggressively taking on the President. The President, in response, just appeared weary and bordered on […]

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Anticipation – Pre-Debate

Today is the day. A sense of excitement runs among true politicos as they anticipate the evening debates. For it will be the first time the nation has the opportunity to see our Presidential nominees face-off one-on-one. While most of us would never admit it, we secretly hope there will be a gaffe. Honestly, we […]

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The Texas Tribune Festival

Are you familiar with the Texas Tribune? If not, you should be. This online publication, with some of the best journalists in the state, provides in-depth coverage of Texas policy and politics. They also provide extensive databases, such as the one that allows a reader to look up the salary of any State of Texas […]

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